Sunday, July 14, 2013

Laura Knight Wartime Artist

Corporal Elspeth Henderson and Sergeant Helen Turner, 1941 by Laura Knight. Photograph: The Royal United Services Institute

Laura Knight Nuremberg Burns

Laura Knight: 
The Nuremberg Trial 1946
At the age of 68, Knight persuaded the War Artists Advisory Committee to send her to Nuremburg to record the trials of Nazi war criminals, sketching Goering and the others from the press box. 'But when the time came to turn all this to paint,' says Cooke, 'she gave the courtroom only one visible wall, framing the dock instead with what she called “a mirage” of the ruined city – a fire even now burning among its rubble, the better, perhaps, to symbolise the impossibility of reparation.'

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Double Exposure using the application Vignette for Android

This double exposure was made through looking up through the trees and taking the fist shot and then  a portrait for the second. It is a portrait of my girlfriend Vicky using the application Vignette for Android.