Thursday, February 18, 2016

Create Your Own Marvel Marvel Registered Trademark Name Banner for Facebook

Created using the Bebas Font and a Registered Trademark PNG File.

Using Photoshop Type your name and bring up the Character Panel from The Windows Menu across the top of Photoshop.


Highlight your text, make sure your chosen Bebas Font is selected, then using the character window adjust Horizontal Tracking from 0 to minus 100 shown here as 0 highlighted in red.

Could She Escape Found Poem

Monday, February 01, 2016

Messing Around Making Gifs


Sharing small GIFs to Tumblr (Less than 2mb) Works well for sharing directly to Facebook but for larger GIFs I am using Giphy, this let's me host GIFs without a file size limit, so I get to experiment without the constrictions of where I'm going to host it.

It would be nice to have more space for hosting GIFs on Tumblr and Facebook should also allow direct hosting of Gifs.

Some of my smaller GIFs have gone straight to tumblr so not everything I create get's uploaded to Giphy.

At least Blogger lets me share the GIF right away.

There is some sense in the world.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Today's Green Juice

Same as yesterday's juice but with added parsley and pineapple and I swapped the black kale in place of baby leaf spinach, this is the black kale from aldi, that is 79p specially selected and very versatile.

So today's recipe is as follows:

Black Kale

Art Rage Art


Thursday, January 28, 2016

Today's Green Juice Recipe (Actually Tasty!)

Today's Green Juice Recipe 

Two Handfulls of Baby Leaf Kale 
2 Apples 
2 Small Limes
1 Kiwi
A Small Half of Cucumber
A Small Handful of Mint

That Juice was far more delicious than my last effort which tasted like grass. This one didn't smell bad at all and tasted surprisingly great! So I guess my Super Juice Spidey senses are working when it comes to choosing the right ingredients. 

I am very pleased because the last one was not so nice. Yes this one was actually very nice I will definitely be repeating this recipe.

I've put together the Photo Montage to show you the juice and it's ingredients. 

Other things to consider adding, Basil or another Herb. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Digital Painting


Gaslighting or gas-lighting is a form of mental abuse in which information is twisted or spun, selectively omitted to favor the abuser, or false information is presented with the intent of making victims doubt their own memory, perception, and sanity.

The Following Article has been Re-blogged.  The Author of this article is Alex Myles. For More information about Alex and to read more of her content please see her Facebook and check out her blog, Love and Madness. Read more from Alex Myles.  For the original page go to For sharing use


Unfortunately, there is a good chance that we have all been gaslighted by someone at some point in our lives, even if it was just on a small scale by someone we barely know.

Sadly, many fall victim to it within their intimate relationships, or even in dealings with “friends” or family members.

There is also a high chance that we will have failed to spot someone was playing this insidious mind game with us and until we fully understand it, there is a high chance that it could happen again.

One of the main reasons we may not recognise it is that many of us will fail to believe those we trust and love are capable of manipulating us (it is this denial that keeps the dynamic going.) Also, the gaslighter will most likely be highly skilled at covering their tracks, keeping things subtle and being a skilled master or mistress of deception.

Gaslighting is one of the most extreme, dangerous and effective forms of emotional and psychological abuse and is mostly carried out intentionally. Gaslighting is a game of mind control and intimidation that is often used by narcissists and sociopaths as a way of controlling, confusing and debilitating someone.

The term gaslighting was coined in the 1938 play Gas Light and the film adaptions that were then created helped to enhance its popularity.

In the play the husband used forms of manipulation in an attempt to drive his wife crazy, for example he deliberately dims the gaslights in the house but told his wife that she was imagining it. With the use of various tricks he tried to convince his wife that she was going insane and also that she was losing her memory.

The whole intention of gaslighting is to decrease someone’s self-esteem and self-confidence so they are unable to function in an independent manner. The person being gaslighted will eventually become so insecure that they will fail to trust their own judgment, their intuition and find themselves unable to make decisions.

Eventually the victim will become so unsure of what reality looks like that they become completely dependent on their abuser. The abuser will appear to the victim to be the only one to have a clear grip of their mind and also of what is going on around them.

The abuser will systematically and frequently withhold information and then deliberately alter facts to disorientate their victim.

They may also remove things from certain places and then deny doing so to destabilize and confuse the other person.

The abuser will refrain from mentioning specific details and then convince the other person that they had told them, so the victim thinks they are losing their memory or their mind.

The abuser will say something then ask their victim to repeat what it is they have said. When the victim repeats clearly word for word, the abuser will lie to say they haven’t said a particular word, or that they have spoken it in a different tone of voice to that of which the abuser heard. For example, the abuser may say something angrily or aggressively, but when the victim gets upset, they will completely deny having used this tone, quickly changing their voice to a gentler and calmer tone. The abuser may then accuse their victim of deliberately trying to hear everything they say in a negative way—even though the abuser knows they deliberately wanted to appear as aggressive and negative.

Often, the abuser will want to create levels of distrust within the relationship to make the victim feel they either are cheating, or would cheat at the first opportunity. They may say things to make their victim feel insecure and jealous, for example, deliberately mentioning a certain person in a way that makes it sound as though there is more going on behind the scenes. When the victim questions this, the abuser will accuse the victim of having trust issues and this will falsely further confirm in the victim’s mind that they have serious insecurities and also, that they are extremely paranoid.

The abuser will make up very convincing lies to deliberately upset the other person and then call them names, mock them and put them down for getting upset and for overreacting. The abuser will also make light of anything that the victim feels is important to make the victim’s opinions, life-choices and thoughts seem juvenile or that they are inferior to their own. It is likely that the abuser will laugh at or sneer at their victim, but when questioned, convince their victim that they were imagining it.

Some warning signs that gaslighting is taking place:

Apologizing. A victim of gaslighting will constantly be apologizing for doing things wrong, even if they have done nothing wrong. Feeling sorry for everything means that the accountability and responsibility for all perceived wrong-doings has been claimed by one person—the victim. This ensures the perpetrator remains innocent and the victim is continuously guilty.

Can’t Make decisions. The victim will find decision making increasingly difficult, as they will feel that whatever they choose will be the wrong choice. Everything they do or say is wrong, so they feel that they are no longer capable of making rational decisions about anything, so they will leave it up to their abuser. This just gives the abuser even more power and control and prolongs the toxic dance that is taking place between the two.
Change. Change is not always easy to notice, since most change happens bit by bit, so the process can feel very natural in some ways. However, if the victim thinks back to who they were before the relationship and who they are now, they will probably see significant differences.

Confusion. Victims of gaslighting will often be in a constant state of bewilderment and confusion. They find it very difficult to trust their own mind, and constantly doubt their thought process. Their instinct fails to kick in because whenever it does, it is very quickly told that it is wrong, so it becomes a silent tool that ensures the gaslighter remains on top of their game. The victim will know that there is something seriously wrong, but they will find it extremely difficult to work out what. The person being gaslighted will always be wondering if they are overly sensitive as they always feel triggered to react to the gaslighter’s behaviour.

Withdrawn. The one being gaslighted will become withdrawn and often reclusive as they feel so low and beaten down that they have little confidence to socialise with anyone. The victim will feel safer spending time alone than with other people, as when those around them question what is wrong, or what is happening within their relationship, the victim just will not have the answers to justify what is going on.

Due to either depression or severe anxiety, the victim will find it extremely difficult to function normally within society or even with close friends or family. The abuser at this stage has won the battle for control, as without anyone to confide in the victim will find it very difficult to work out that it is the abuser that is causing the damage. The abuser will not want anyone to figure out their game, so, they will work hard to make sure their victim becomes alienated from anyone who could offer support.

Overall, the main reason for gaslighting is to create a dynamic where the abuser has complete control over their victim so that they are so weak that they are very easy to manipulate.

The gaslighter wants to appear superior to the one being gaslighted. By making their victim feel completely helpless with very low self-esteem, the abuser has complete domination over them, so they are very successful in manipulating their victim to get whatever it is they want. This can range from simply having their ego stroked by feeling like they are significantly better than the person they are with, and at the extreme end to being able to gain financial, sexual or material benefits as their victim feels too emotionally and mentally weak to fight back.

There are many reasons that someone would gaslight someone else, but it is always done for personal gain. The abuser has very little interest in their victim, other than using them for their own twisted benefit. When the victim becomes so low down that they are no longer of any great use to the gaslighter the relationship will die out. The abuser will distance themselves by ignoring their victim and using silent treatment as an intense form of emotional torture.

The victim will have no idea what to do to please or satisfy their abuser, and will often try anything to win over their abuser to regain the affection that was shown in the beginning stages. By now though, it is far too late. Any little amount of respect that the abuser had for their victim will have been completely depleted and it is very unlikely that the dynamic will change again.

The abuser will often walk away from their victim leaving them with a deep sense of frustration, shame, guilt, anger and often riddled with anxiety and depression. The victim is usually left in a vortex that they will struggle to climb out of, however, this will be compounded by a deep sense of relief that this vicious dance is over.

The abuser will walk away with a great feeling of satisfaction having won each and every battle and will move onto their next innocent victim with even more skill and experience, so they can begin this horrendous war once again.

The victim will very likely need counseling and a huge amount of support to build themselves back to a stage where they have confidence and can trust their own mind and intuition. It is imperative that the victim realizes that they have been a pawn in a very nasty game so they can let go of all the blame they have placed upon themselves and become familiar with the warning signs so that they do not fall victim again.

Anyone who has come through this type of experience will feel debilitated at first, however, they will only be temporarily weakened. They will bounce back stronger than before, having learned painful but valuable lessons along the way. The most important lesson—having complete faith in their intuition. As difficult as it is to accept, there are always red flags and warning signs in the initial stages.

When these signals show up, this is when we must trust completely in our instincts and never fail to listen to what our gut feelings are telling us. Our fight or flight reactions are there for a reason—to prevent us from entering into dangerous situations. When we feel an urgency to take flight—fly.

Fly far and don’t look back.

Identifying Emotional Abuse before it Happens.

Author: Alex Myles
Editor: Travis May
About Alex Myles

Alex Myles is qualified as a Yoga teacher, Reiki Master, Teacher of Tibetan Meditation, Dragon Magic and a Spiritual coach to name just a few. Alex has no intention to teach others on a formal basis for many years to come, instead, she is collecting qualifications along with life’s lessons. One day, when the time is right, Alex will set up a quaint studio, in a quirky crooked building where she will breathe and appreciate the slowness of those days as life is just way too busy right now! Reading and writing has always been one of Alex’s passions. Alex likes to consider herself as a free spirit rather than a commitment-phobe. Trying to live as aligned to a Buddhist lifestyle as is possible in this day and age, she just does not believe in "owning" anything or anyone. Based on the theory that we ‘cannot lose someone that was not ours to lose’ she flails through life finding joy and magic in the most unexpected places. Mother to a 21 year old daughter and three adorable pups, she appreciates that some of the best moments in life are the 6am forest walks watching the dogs run, play and interact with one another and with nature. Connect with her on Facebook and check out her blog, Love and Madness. 

Read more from Alex Myles

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Vickytoriaworld™ Soup Roulette © for Facebook

Well I was making animated gifs earlier and I made this Juice / Soup Roulette © for Vicky, when she wakes up, the idea is you choose three ingredients and you have to make a soup or a juice, or both, with them. Or something like that. Just for fun really. The idea is you share the GIF image file, which is hosted on Tumblr, to Facebook, Then, when you click on the image in Facebook, it stops on one of the fruit or vegetables. Click it again to start again. This only works like this on Facebook as far as I know.

My First Green Juice

 My First Green Juice: Kale, Lemon, Cucumber, Apple and Celery.

My First Green Juice

I know I'm probably lagging behind a lot of you, but this is my first green juice. Here is the ingredients I used:

2 x Lemons
Kale - (A couple of handfuls)
1 x Apple (Only had one left)
Celery x 3 (About three good sized stalks)
Half a cucumber.

It is an easy recipe, if you can call it that and one similar to that used on the documentary Fat Sick & Nearly Dead 

Well I won't teach your grandmother to suck eggs but it's not bad. Although a little 'too green tasting' and smells of grass. I could easily add kiwi or strawberries to sweeten it some more. I've got some strawberries so I'll try that later. It's surprising what works well together in these juice recipes, the carrot apple and ginger juice is a winner.

Creating Vector Illustrated Gif's

Creating an animated Gif using Adobe Ideas for iPad and uplading to ezgif animator or making your own in photoshop.

Johnny Depp and Amy Locane Cry Baby Animated Gif
Drawn with Adobe Ideas for iPad
There are many different ways for doing this. But for this quick seven frame animation, I used a Youtube clip and screen shot on iPad to get several images to trace from. I let the Youtube clip play back in full screen then take the screen shots at intervals until I think I have enough frames to draw from.

Johhny Depp and Amy Locane as
Cry Baby and Alison Vernon Williams

To take a screen shot on iPad; Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button on the top or side of your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad then immediately press and release the Home button. You can find the Screenshot in your Photos application.
Kissing Gif Animation Frame made with Adobe Ideas for iPad
One way to easily and quickly animate is to use an online gif creator tool like EZ Gif Animator. Another way is to create layers in Photoshop. To do this go to the Photoshop menu: File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack. This will put all your images into one document on separate layers.

Cry Baby Kissing Scene Frame Animation
Go to Window >Timeline. The Timeline Window appears. Right Click in the Timeline Window and choose Create Frame Animation.
Click the Small Down Arrow in the Timeline Window and select 'Make Frames From Layers.'

Johnny Depp Kissing Amy Locrane in Cry Baby
Once you have your frames in the time line, check that each frame is showing for the desired duration, then go to File>Save For Web. Chose your Animation options such as amount of colours, size and looping options and click done. Your file will be exported as a gif. 

Illustration made with Adobe Ideas for iPad
Cry-Baby: Kiss me! Kiss me hard.
Allison: I've never given a French kiss before.
Crybaby: Watch, it's easy. You just open your mouth, 
and I open mine, 
and we wiggle our tongues together. 
And it feels real sexy.

If Adobe Ideas is no longer available to download Adobe Draw is the same thing with added functionality. The ability to draw straight lines for example, otherwise the same vector drawing app.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

I want to be an Aesthete

I want to be an aesthete,
And with the aesthetes stand;
A sunflower on my forehead,
And a lily in my hand.

["Puck," Oct. 5, 1881]


[dil-i-tahnt, dil-i-tahnt, -tahn-tey, -tan-tee] 
nounplural dilettantes, dilettanti 
 [dil-i-tahn-tee] (Show IPA)
a person who takes up an art, activity, or subject merely foramusement, especially in a desultory or superficial way; dabbler.
a lover of an art or science, especially of a fine art.
of or relating to dilettantes.

American Psychological Association (APA):
aesthete. (n.d.). Online Etymology Dictionary. Retrieved January 23, 2016 from website
Chicago Manual Style (CMS):
aesthete. Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. January 23, 2016).
Modern Language Association (MLA):
"aesthete". Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper, Historian. 23 Jan. 2016.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): "aesthete," in Online Etymology Dictionary. Source location: Douglas Harper, Historian. Available: Accessed: January 23, 2016.
BibTeX Bibliography Style (BibTeX)
@article {Dictionary.com2016,
    title = {Online Etymology Dictionary},
    month = {Jan},
    day = {23},
    year = {2016},
    url = {},

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Artrage Madonna Digital Painting iPad

This digital painting of Madonna using Outrage for iPad is made using the trowel tool directly applied to a photo layer, a screen shot from a Madonna music video, then manipulated to make it look like an oil painting, using the size, type; flat, loading, and pressure settings. 

Digital Painting with Art Rage for IPad

This image was made using the iPad application Artrage. The effect, of oil paint, was created by using the trowel tool adding directly on the photo llayer, in this case a photo of Senta Berger from Dr macro,  the high resolution hollywood icon scan site. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Indiana University's Kodachrome Collection 14,500 Colour Slides On Line

The Photographic Journal of Charles W. Cushman (Born July 30, 1896 Died June 8, 1972) 

Eunice Alexander -- on rocks.

Charles Weever Cushman's collection of 14,500 colour slides is held at Indiana University.  The collection consists of Kodachrome slides taken in the period between 1938 to 1968, including images of all around the world.

Cigarette Girl June 17 1944 Model Promo by Charles W. Cushman

For thirty years, Charles Cushman documented a dying landscape in living color.
Packing his car with camera, lenses, and film, his tripod, his notebooks and—often as not—his first wife, Jean (who was not, to judge from the expression on her face in Cushman's occasional carside portraits, always a happy traveling companion), this extraordinary amateur photographer pursued a life on the road, and in the streets, of mid-twentieth-century America. Whatever its effect upon his marriage, Cushman's peripatetic compulsion did result in a remarkable gift to future historians, photography lovers, and students of Americana. For here, framed through the lens of his Contax IIA camera, saturated in almost embarrassingly vivid colors, springs to life a world that we had long since resigned ourselves to viewing only in shades of gray. The America that we thought we knew, whether through the self-conscious artistic starkness of the images of Berenice Abbott and Walker Evans or through the polished middle-brow poses ofLook and Life, is revealed as being but the shadow of a world no less full and tangible than our own. In Cushman's work the past becomes, for an instant, impossibly present. Read More

In June of 1989, Elizabeth Cushman sent Charles' camera equipment, including the Contax II A camera it is believed was used to take most of the pictures in this collection, to the Indiana University Foundation. From there the equipment was sent to the Indiana University School of Journalism where it was used in an exhibit of antique camera equipment. The equipment was permanently transferred to the Indiana University Archives on Nov. 18, 1999. At the time of the camera equipment's arrival at the Indiana University Foundation, Elizabeth wrote that the appraiser "...was very impressed with the Contax II A camera. He said it is a museum piece, and asked if he could take it on consignment for there is a collectors market for it." 

The Charles Weever Cushman Collection comprises approximately ten cubic feet of materials and ranges in dates from circa 1876 through 2003. The bulk of the collection consists of black and white and color images that range in dates from circa 1917 to 1969.
The vast majority of the collection arrived at the Indiana University Archives in October of 1972, four months after Charles' death. Originally, the collection contained phonograph records and books. These were dispersed to the Indiana University Music Library and the Chancellor's home in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Indiana University-Purdue University campus. A list of these books and records has been retained at the Indiana University Archives.
The collection is currently organized into four series: Photographs and Negatives, Slides, Correspondence and Papers, and Camera Equipment.
The first series in the collection, Photographs and Negatives, consists of approximately five cubic feet of images and minor descriptive notes that range in dates from circa 1876 through 1941. Contained within this series can be found Charles' two photo albums and his scrapbook which mostly covers his days as a student at Indiana University (a few of his black and white images can also be found in this scrapbook). Most of this series, however, consists of loose negatives (all of which have been rehoused in archival sleeves) and prints. This first series of the Charles Weever Cushman Collection has only been partially processed, and has not been digitized. See the Cushman preview of the black and white images for more information.
The Slides series comprises about three cubic feet, or a little more than 14,400 color Kodachrome slides shot from Sep. 3, 1938 to April 20, 1969. The slides have all been removed from Cushman's original slide storage cases and reboxed in Gaylord brand slide file cases. Slides that had originally been glass-mounted were removed and transferred to Wess brand plastic slide mounts.
The third series, Correspondence and Papers, consists of genealogical information, correspondence and other various papers that mainly describe Charles' work life up to 1944, and thenotebooks which Charles used to compile information on the slide-film he was shooting.
Finally, in the Camera Equipment series, there is one cubic feet of camera equipment which consists of Cushman's Contax IIA camera made by Zeiss Icon; a Carl Zeiss Sonnar F/1.5 50mm lens, a Carl Zeiss Sonnar F/4 135mm telephoto lens, a Photrix S.S. light meter, 135mm view finders, and various other equipment including his leather camera bag, a tripod, and a sampling of two of the cases that Cushman had originally stored his slides in.
The Indiana University Archives also recently acquired some of Charles' personal effects. Some of these items include a belt buckle and gold pencil with Charles' initials, a "C.W. Cushman" brass stencil, his silver baby spoon, dog tags from his tenure in the U.S. Naval Auxiliary Reserve Force, business cards for some of the companies he worked for, and the first issue of Your Moneywhich Charles edited when he worked for the Standard Statistics Company.

Student army doctor Al Swanson poses fiancee in tree on Wooded Island.

Al Swanson and future Mrs. Swanson in garden of Wooded Island.

A circus beauty in pale lavender cap, coat + shorts.

Jean Neil, swimming girl.

Two Alzanas hang out their wash. Ringling Circus Chicago

Ringling Bros. Baton weilder
takes time out for refreshment | Circus

Two young German girls in head-on-hand balancing act.
Head to head - two German girls Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey

Location: San FranciscoCaliforniaUnited States (San Francisco county)
Description: Advertising model San Francisco Palace of Fine Arts lagoon

Young Miss Unus on Ringling elephant

Judy Sargent + Blonde Friend Jul. 20, 1941, ChicagoIllinoisUnited States (Cook county)

Aug. 24, 1941.
Mrs. Schneider poses astride rock off Promentory point
while Charles W. Cushman wades in with his camera.